Ready to be a member of Forum for the Future?

Member agreement:

Ready to be a member of Forum for the Future? If you/your organization agree to be a member of Forum for the Future, you will:

Show Your Support

  • Allow Forum for the Future to post your organization’s name and logo on the Forum for the Future website
  • Put a Forum for the Future member badge on your organization’s website

Spread the word and share our progress

  • Publicize or share Forum for the Future news, updates, and resources using your organization’s existing communication channels and networks.
  • Share announcements and calls for participation in working groups.   
  • Share social media posts or use Forum for the Future social media toolkits when appropriate.

Stay Informed and Engaged

  • Attend or send a representative to attend Forum for the Future informational meetings and major events. 
  • During meetings and events, actively share your thoughts and expertise to inform Forum for the Future’s approach and support its work. Help all members contextualize the work around the real needs and experiences of the populations you serve. 
  • Keep up-to-date with Forum for the Future activities and projects by reading email updates and/or attending informational meetings.

Align your work

  • Share data that you or your organization collects that is relevant to Forum for the Future’s goal, intended outcomes, and measures and indicators of progress. NOTE: We will always abide by your organization’s rules and policies related to sharing or publicizing data. 
  • Share updates and information about any work that you or your organization is doing that aligns to Forum for the Future’s common agenda. 
  • Share relevant partnership opportunities with Forum for the Future members. 
  • Discuss Forum for the Future with partners and colleagues, and share the work of Forum for the Future at related meetings and conferences.

Member Incentives

If you/your organization agree to be a member, you will receive the following resources and services, free of charge, for initiatives, projects and programs that align to Forum for the Future’s Common Agenda:


  • Exclusive invitations to twice-a-year networking events for members to know one another and share opportunities to move our shared agenda forward.
  • Opportunities to co-host or share information at relevant Mississippi Early Learning Alliance’s in-person and online events and trainings. 
  • Some event planning and hosting support for member events, trainings, or conferences that are aligned to Forum for the Future’s work.



Funding Opportunities

Access to shared grant and funding opportunities for work aligned to Forum for the Future’s common agenda.

Communication support

  • Access to the Mississippi Early Learning Alliance’s listservs. This includes the Mississippi Early Learning Resources listserv, which contains over 1,600 childcare professionals. 
  • News media outreach and public relations support for member initiatives, events, etc. aligned to Forum for the Future.
  • Messaging toolkits about timely issues in early care and education. 
  • Up to 5 hours of communications planning and strategy support for partner organizations’ aligned initiatives/projects.  
  • 1-2 visual design projects for your organization’s FFtF aligned programs or projects (includes: flyers/invitations, data visualizations, process flows, social media graphics, posters, etc.).

PLEASE NOTE: The services and resources above are available to all members to the fullest extent to which the Mississippi Early Learning Alliance has capacity to provide them. We will try our best to provide complete and thorough support to all member projects that are aligned to the common agenda, but extenuating circumstances (staff absences, existing workload, etc.) may limit MELA’s capacity to provide support during certain times throughout the year.

Not ready to become
a full member?

We understand that some individuals and organizations may be unable to commit to the full scope of the member agreement, or may need more time or information to decide if full membership is the right fit. If so, we would love to help you remain informed and up-to-date about Forum for the Future progress, activities, and opportunities! We invite you to sign up to receive any or all of the following:

  • Enewsletter updates about Forum for the Future 
  • Invitations to Forum for the Future informational meetings
  • Invitations to Forum for the Future’s public events and trainings (virtual and in-person)