Find the Mississippi Build For Babies Child Care messaging wheel below!

A message wheel is a powerful tool for communicating key messages about child care. At the center of the wheel is our key message—the essential idea we always want to reinforce. Surrounding it, like spokes, are supporting messages that explain the issue, highlight solutions, and provide compelling reasons for action.


When we speak with one voice, our advocacy becomes more effective. Policymakers, business leaders, and community members are more likely to take notice and engage with us when we present a consistent, compelling message. The message wheel helps ensure that every conversation, whether it’s with a legislator, a business owner, or a parent, reinforces our core priorities: affordable, accessible, quality child care for all Mississippi families. This tool was collaboratively designed by members of the Mississippi Built For Babies team with support, TA, and grant funding from the national organization Zero To Three. It is our hope that this gives us shared language to use when we educate and advocate for our state’s babies.